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Woman holding binoculars Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
barn swallow on a branch
Barn Swallow

Recent Bird Sightings

The Voice of Audubon offers regular updates on birds sighted across the state to introduce you to the wide variety of species Massachusetts has to offer.

Find the most recently published sightings below. To view sightings from previous weeks, click on "Past Sightings" in the top-right corner of either box.

Below are the sightings for the last several weeks from across Massachusetts.

Friday, July 28

The unequivocal rarity of the week was the continued presence of a Mountain Plover on Long Beach in Centerville that was enjoyed and photographed by many admirers [...]

Friday, July 21

The highlight of the week was the unexpected appearance of a Mountain Plover in Centerville, a rare visitor from the western Great Plains and the Colorado Plateau, [...]

Friday, July 14

Highlights this week were 2 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks in Worcester, a Brown Booby observed from a whale-watching boat on the southwest corner of Stellwagen Bank off Provincetown, and a Curlew Sandpiper [...]

Friday, July 7

Increasing numbers of early migrating shorebirds are now appearing at a number of coastal locations, especially Lesser Yellowlegs, Short-billed Dowitchers, [...]

Friday, June 30

The two most notable sightings this week were a an American White Pelican at Big Pond in Otis in the Berkshires and a Masked Booby photographed at the edge of the continental shelf near Hydrographer Canyon [...]

Friday, June 23

Indications are that spring migration is virtual1y for the season, but breeding activity is practically at a peak at this season.  Many species are quite secretive at this season until their young have fledged, [...]

Friday, June 16

The week saw the appearance of a number of Acadian Flycatchers in various localities, 2 Least Terns that made a very unusual inland appearance at Great Meadows Refuge in Concord [...]

Friday, June 9

With spring migration winding down, migrant highlights this week were primarily several species of the typically late-moving flycatchers and several warbler species, most notably Mourning Warblers. [...]

Friday, June 2

A couple very warm days this week were likely responsible for occurrences of both Swallow-tailed Kite and Mississippi Kite in the Truro area of Cape Cod, [...]

Showing 46-54 of 55 results