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Family on boardwalk Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Indications are that spring migration is virtual1y for the season, but breeding activity is practically at a peak at this season.  Many species are quite secretive at this season until their young have fledged, so late June and early July are often fairly quiet months until the early-returning Arctic nesting shorebirds begin to appear by the 4th of July.

Cape Cod highlights this week included 2 Long-tailed Jaegers, 2 Arctic Terns, 2 Royal Terns, and an Atlantic Puffin at Race Point in Provincetown.  Other notable sightings included an Acadian Flycatcher at the Ryder Conservation Area in Sandwich, 2 White-eyed Vireos near Long Pond in Falmouth, and an impressive 55 Grasshopper Sparrows, 3 Blue Grosbeaks, and a Dickcissel at the Crane WMA in Falmouth.

Bristol County featured a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron off Star of the Sea Drive in Dartmouth.

Plymouth County hosted single Acadian Flycatchers at Wompatuck State Park in Hingham and Manomet Bird Observatory in Manomet, 2 American Bitterns and a Pied-billed Grebe at the Burrage WMA in Hanson, a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Button Island in Hingham Harbor.

Norfolk County luminaries were highlighted by a late Ring-necked Duck at Houghtons Pond in Milton and an Acadian Flycatcher nearby, another Acadian Flycatcher was seen at Buck Hill in the Blue Hills in Quincy, 9 Piping Plovers at Wollaston Beach, a Clapper Rail in the Squantum Marshes in Squantum, and 2 Grasshopper Sparrows at the Shea Naval Air Station in Weymouth.

Suffolk County birders were pleased with a Red-shouldered Hawk and 2 Purple Martins at Millennium Park in West Roxbury, an Alder Flycatcher and a Red-breasted Nuthatch at the Arnold Arboretum, and 2 Cliff Swallows at Georges Island in Boston Harbor.

Middlesex County highlights featured a Pied-billed Grebe and a Common Gallinule at Great Meadows Refuge in Concord, 4 Common Loons and 2 Bald Eagles at the Whitehall Reservoir in Hopkinton, an Alder Flycatcher and 2 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers at the Minute Man Park in Lincoln, a late Dark-eyed Junco in Lexington, and an American Bittern and 6 Red Crossbills on the Nashua River Rail Trail Groton.

Berkshire County was visited by a Least Bittern along the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail in Cheshire, a Hooded Warbler at the Hopkins Memorial Forest in Williamstown, a Worm-eating Warbler off Mt. Washington Road in Egremont, and 3 Red Crossbills at October Mountain State Forest in Washington.

Franklin County was blessed by the continued presence of 3 Sandhill Cranes on Plainfield Road in Worthington.

Hampshire County also hosted 4 Sandhill Cranes on Old Post Road in Worthington, and a Blue Grosbeak at the Alexandra Dawson Conservation Area in Hadley.

Hampden County sightings of interest were a Pied-billed Grebe in Blandford, 2 Upland Sandpipers on Perimeter Road in Ludlow, an Olive-sided Flycatcher in Agawam, and a Blue Grosbeak at the Southwick WMA in Southwick.

Worcester County notables included 2 scarce inland Least Terns at the Bolton Flats WMA in Bolton, a Ruddy Duck at the Coes Reservoir in Worcester, a continuing Brewster’s Warbler at the Fruitlands Museum in Harvard, an Acadian Flycatcher on the MA Central Rail Trail in Holden, and 5 Red Crossbills at Lake Wampanoag Bog in Ashburnham.

Martha’s Vineyard highlights were 2 Gadwalls and a Glaucous Gull at Norton Point in Edgartown, a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Sheriff’s Meadow Pond, a Willow Flycatcher at Squibnocket Pond in Chilmark, and 2 Common Ravens in West Tisbury and another single raven at Oak Bluffs.

Nantucket reports of interest were 27 Gadwalls and 3 Northern Shovelers in the Great Point lagoon.