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Woman holding binoculars Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
barn swallow on a branch
Barn Swallow

Recent Bird Sightings

The Voice of Audubon offers regular updates on birds sighted across the state to introduce you to the wide variety of species Massachusetts has to offer.

Find the most recently published sightings below. To view sightings from previous weeks, click on "Past Sightings" in the top-right corner of either box.

Below are the sightings for the last several weeks from across Massachusetts.

Friday, June 21

Unusual bird reports this week were headed by Swallow-tailed Kites in Mashpee, a Mississippi Kite in Harwich, a Franklin’s Gull and 2 Royal Terns in Provincetown, [...]

Friday, June 14

Now that spring migration is virtually over, many species are now breeding so reports of migrants are fewer than in May.  Observers looking for shorebirds will not have to wait too long [...]

Friday, June 7

This week’s highlights included 2 sightings of Swallow-tailed Kites in the Upper Cape area, a Mississippi Kite in Yarmouth, a Curlew Sandpiper at Plymouth Beach, a Swainson’s Warbler banded at Manomet Bird Observatory, [...]

Friday, May 31

Among the highlights this week were Mississippi Kites from four localities, a Loggerhead Shrike in Easton, a Swainson’s Warbler banded at the Manomet Bird Observatory, [...]

Friday, May 24

Especially notable sightings this week included a Trumpeter Swan, a total of at least 5 Mississippi Kites, a Swallow-tailed Kite, 4 Prothontary Warblers, 2 Yellow-throated Warblers, 5 Summer Tanagers, [...]

Friday, May 17

Among the various regional highlight this week were several sightings of Swallow-tailed Kites, a Black-necked Stilt, a Ruff, 1-2 White-faced Ibises, a flock of 6 Pacific Loons, several Prothonotary Warblers, [...]

Friday, May 3

In addition to an increasing number of newly arrived migrants from the south, especially notable reports this week included at least two Western Cattle Egrets, a Tricolored Heron, a White-faced Ibis, [...]

Friday, April 26

Outstanding reports this week were 3 Swallow-tailed Kites in Rehoboth, single Western Cattle Egrets in Harwich and Fairhaven, a Ross’s Goose in Westport, [...]

Friday, April 19

This week was characterized by the arrival of a variety of new migrants, most notably several Summer Tanagers, Blue Grosbeaks, and Prothonotary Warblers, 2 Swallow-tailed Kites, a Ross’s Goose, a Chuck-will’s-widow, a Painted Bunting, a Ruff, a Western Cattle Egret, [...]

Showing 1-9 of 55 results