Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Young adults at a table, one speaking into a mic


Advocating for Transformative Environmental Policy

From defending endangered species to combatting the climate crisis, Mass Audubon has spent over one hundred years advocating for policies that protect the nature of Massachusetts for people and wildlife.

Our team of policy experts, conservation scientists, and community organizers is working every day to pass powerful environmental regulations through the Massachusetts state legislature. We research innovative policy solutions, lobby legislators, and organize our communities to build a mass movement around using nature as a solution to the climate crisis.

More than anything, we rely on people like you to volunteer, lobby your representatives, and spread our message. We hope you’ll join us as we fight to stop the climate crisis and protect the nature of Massachusetts.

Solar Panels in Field at Wachusett Meadow,
Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary, Princeton, MA

Our Policy Priorities

We're working to drive the clean energy revolution, protect nature and wildlife, conserve farms, forests, and wetlands, and secure a permanent funding source for land protection in Massachusetts. 

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Our Advocacy Campaigns

Horseshoe crab on beach
Horseshoe Crab

Restore Horseshoe Crabs

Overfishing has severely depleted horseshoe crab populations in Massachusetts. We’re working to restore this ancient species and the complex coastal ecosystems that depend on them.

A hawk perches on a rooftop solar panel, with tree branches in the background

Grow Solar, Protect Nature

To fight the climate crisis, we must build the solar energy we need while protecting the natural lands we have. We're charting a path towards achieving both.

An owl flying through a forest with a mouse in its beak
Jenny Zhao

Rescue Raptors

Eagles, owls, foxes, and other predators are being sickened and killed after eating poisoned rodents. We're supporting local initiatives to reduce the use of rat poisons and protect our wildlife.

State House Climate March

Become an Advocate

Join our team of Climate and Nature Champions advocating for policies that fight the climate crisis and protect the nature and wildlife of Massachusetts.

Group of people holding shovels between to solar panels
Boston Nature Center Net Zero Groundbreaking

Action Center

Find current advocacy actions you can take to help speak up for wildlife and habitat.

Policy and Advocacy News

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A YCLP student speaks into a microphone during YCLP lobby day.
News February 20, 2025

Youth Climate Leaders Show Up in Full Force at Climate Lobby Day

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Christine Wilkins and Emily Taranto Standing at Demo Table
Christine Wilkins and Emily Taranto
News February 14, 2025

Rescue Raptor Win: Lowell City Council Puts a Stop to Rodenticide Use on City Property

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A bulky Osprey nest on top of a large poll standing in a green saltmarsh. A patch of open water behind the nesting pole.
Allens Pond, South Dartmouth
News January 23, 2025

Mass Audubon’s 2024 Conservation and Advocacy Highlights

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