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Women on bridge Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
barn swallow on a branch
Barn Swallow

Recent Bird Sightings

Thanks to the incredible amount of up-to-date bird information available on eBird and other online platforms, Mass Audubon will no longer be generating a weekly bird sightings report.

Friday, April 12

Several notable highlights this week featured a Ruff and a Prothonotary Warbler in Marshfield, a continuing Western Grebe in Winthrop, a continuing Say’s Phoebe in Belchertown, a Yellow-throated Warbler in Wellfleet, a Black-throated Gray Warbler in Clinton, [...]

Friday, April 5

Lingering unusual species this week were a Western Grebe at Winthrop, and Eared Grebe in Marblehead, a Greater White-fronted Goose in Newbury, a Tufted Duck at Nantucket, a Say’s Phoebe in Belchertown, [...]

Friday, March 29

Continuing unusual species this week were a Western Grebe in Winthrop, an Eared Grebe in Marblehead, a Say’s Phoebe in Belchertown, a Townsend’s Solitaire at High Head [...]

Friday, March 22

Lingering notable species this week were a Western Grebe in Winthrop, a Tufted Duck on Nantucket, a Say’s Phoebe in Belchertown, a Townsend’s Solitaire in Truro, a Bohemian Waxwing in Yarmouth, and either 2 or 3 Trumpeter Swans [...]

Friday, March 15

Species of special note this week were a continuing Townsend’s Solitaire in Truro, single Eared Grebes at East Gloucester and Marblehead, a Golden Eagle in Lenox, a continuing Say’s Phoebe in Belchertown, [...]

Friday, March 8

Species of special note this week were single Eared Grebes in East Gloucester and Marblehead, a Western Grebe in Winthrop, Bohemian Waxwings in Yarmouth Port, [...]

Friday, March 1

Notable highlights this week in no particular order included a Townsend’s Solitaire in Truro, a Whimbrel in West Dennis, a Pacific Loon in Provincetown, single Tufted Ducks in Harwich and Nantucket, [...]

Friday, February 23

Notable highlights this week included single Tufted Ducks at Tufted Ducks at Nantucket and Brewster, single Eared Grebes at Nantucket and Marblehead, a Pacific Loon at Race Point in Provincetown, [...]

Friday, February 16

Persisting notable species this week were a Western Grebe, Feb 16, 2024e in Winthrop, an Eared Grebe in Marblehead, a Tufted Duck at Nantucket, a Say’s Phoebe in Belchertown, a Townsend’s Warbler in Cambridge, [...]

Showing 10-18 of 55 results