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barn swallow on a branch
Barn Swallow

Recent Bird Sightings

Thanks to the incredible amount of up-to-date bird information available on eBird and other online platforms, Mass Audubon will no longer be generating a weekly bird sightings report.

Friday, October 6

Especially notable sightings this week were a Townsend’s Warbler at Plum Island, a Prothonotary Warbler in Winchester, a LeConte’s Sparrow in Longmeadow, and several reports of Clay-colored Sparrows [...]

Friday, September 29

The highlight of the week was a cooperative Northern Wheatear at Plymouth Beach, where there was also 2 Hudsonian Godwits and a Marbled Godwit.  Race Point in Provincetown and First Encounter Beach in Eastham [...]

Friday, September 22

Connecticut Warblers and Clay-colored Sparrows seemed to be moving in better than average numbers this season based upon the scattering of reports statewide, Broad-winged Hawks enjoyed a couple decent flight days [...]

Friday, September 15

With the advent of an approaching hurricane accompanied by strong winds and heavy seas, birders are poised for the possibility of finding storm-blown seabirds and possibly other species [...]

Friday, September 1

Notable reports this week were seabirds recorded on a pelagic trip to the canyons at the edge of the continental shelf, as well as a Lark Bunting at Martha’s Vineyard, [...]

Friday, August 25

Coastal migrating shorebirds and increasing numbers of warblers from various areas are currently among the dominant bird species [...]

Friday, August 18

Unequivocally the most exiting reports this week were a Lesser Sand-Plover – a first record for Massachusetts – discovered and observed by many in Mashpee, a Swallow-tailed Kite seen in Barnstable, [...]

Friday, August 11

Shorebirds continued to dominate much of the coastal bird activity this week, while increasing numbers of migrating warblers are appearing in many inland locations. Additionally, small numbers of Red Crossbills [...]

Friday, August 4

This was a relatively quiet week for birds, although small numbers of migrant warblers are increasingly being seen at scattered locations as well as good numbers of shorebirds [...]

Showing 37-45 of 55 results