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Monarch caterpillar

Friday, August 25, 2023

Coastal migrating shorebirds and increasing numbers of warblers from various areas are currently among the dominant bird species being reported. Unfortunately it appears that all the excitement created by the vagrant Lesser Sand-Plover in Mashpee during the past couple weeks is over since the bird has apparently moved on.

Cape Cod bird reports of note this week included a continuing American Avocet at Wood Neck Beach in Falmouth, a Baird’s Sandpiper at South Cape Beach in Mashpee in the vicinity of the New Seabury Country Club, a Buff-breasted Sandpiper and 120 American Oystercatchers at Morris Island in Chatham, 2 Little Blue Herons at Forest Beach in Chatham, a Dickcissel in Centerville, and several interesting reports from South Monomoy that included 4 Common Gallinules, 14 American Coots, and 18 Ruddy Ducks.

Bristol County luminaries were 2 Soras at the Egypt Lane Ponds in Fairhaven, and 2 Caspian Terns, a Great Cormorant, a Tennessee Warbler, and a Cape May Warbler at Gooseberry Neck in Westport.

Plymouth County highlights were 3 continuing Sandhill Cranes at Burrage Pond Wildlife Area in Hanson, a Lark Sparrow at Daniel Webster Sanctuary in Marshfield, 2 Western Sandpipers at Plymouth Beach, a Bay-breasted Warbler and a Hooded Warbler at the Manomet Bird Observatory, 2 Cliff Swallows at Manomet Point, a Little Blue Heron at Halfway Pond in Plymouth.

Norfolk County hosted a Baird’s Sandpiper at the Marina Bay spit in Squantum, and elsewhere in Squantum there was a Clapper Rail in the Squantum marshes, a Little Blue Heron and a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Squantum Point Park. A Lesser Black-backed Gull was identified at Great Pond in Randolph, a Tennessee Warbler at Moose Hill Sanctuary in Sharon, and a Dickcissel was heard calling in flight at Sandy Beach in Cohasset.

Suffolk County birders were pleased with a Baird’s Sandpiper at Winthrop Beach, a Pileated Woodpecker, a Chestnut-sided Warbler, and a Cape May Warbler at Franklin Park, and 2 Red-shouldered Hawks at the Wetlands Urban Wilds Park in Roslindale.

Middlesex County notables were an American Coot on the campus of the Rivers School in Weston, an early White-throated Sparrow and 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers at Great Meadows Refuge in Concord, the continued presence of a summering Dark-eyed Junco in Lexington, a Ring-necked Duck at Sandy Beach in the Mystic Lakes, and a Cape May Warbler at Nobscot in Sudbury.

Essex County hosted at least 6 Yellow-crowned Night-herons at Perkins Park in Newburyport, an Orchard Oriole at the Cox Reservation in Essex, a Marbled Godwit on the flats along the Great Neck Causeway in Ipswich, and a Buff-breasted Sandpiper and a Western Sandpiper at Plum Island.

Berkshire County highlights included a Black-crowned Night-heron in Pittsfield, an Alder Flycatcher in Washington, and a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher at the Jug End Reservation in Egremont.

Franklin County was highlighted by the continuing numbers of Red Crossbills foraging on the Pitch Pines at the Montague Sand Plains Wildlife Area in Montague.

Hampshire County hosted 4 Sandhill Cranes in the East Meadows in Northampton and 4 more cranes at Arcadia Sanctuary, and migrants tallied at Quabbin Park in Ware included 4 Common Nighthawks, 2 Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, and 4 Cape May Warblers.

Hampden County was visited by migrant shorebirds that included 2 Stilt Sandpipers, a Short-billed Dowitcher, and a Red-necked Phalarope all at the Longmeadow Flats in Longmeadow.

Worcester County was graced with the presence of 14 Common Mergansers in Petersham near fishing area #3 at Quabbin Reservoir, and elsewhere at Quabbin, 4 Bonaparte’s Gulls were tallied along the Dana shoreline in Petersham. Two Black Vultures were seen soaring over Mt. Wachusett in Princeton, and in Paxton there was a Cerulean Warbler and 2 Cape May Warblers were seen at the Moose Hill Wildlife Area.

Martha’s Vineyard reports were highlighted by a Marbled Godwit at Eel Pond in Edgartown and a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Felix Neck Sanctuary.

Nantucket was visited by a Hudsonian Godwit at Polpis Harbor and a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Coskata Pond.