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Friday, February 23, 2024

Notable highlights this week included single Tufted Ducks at Tufted Ducks at Nantucket and Brewster, single Eared Grebes at Nantucket and Marblehead, a Pacific Loon at Race Point in Provincetown, a continuing Western Kingbird in Eastham, a Greater White-fronted Goose in Rehoboth, a Yellow-throated Warbler in Marblehead, and either 3 or 6 Sandhill Cranes in Worcester County.

Cape Cod luminaries included Pacific Loon at Race Point as well as 12 Tree Swallows, a Thick-billed Murre at MacMillan Wharf in Provincetown, a continuing Western Kingbird, Lark Sparrow, and Eastern Phoebe near the Cape Cod Seashore Visitor’s Center in Eastham, a Tufted Duck at Long Pond in Brewster, an American Bittern at Sea Gull Beach in Yarmouth, a Northern Shrike at the Crane WMA in Falmouth, a Short-eared Owl at North Beach in Orleans, a Yellow-breasted Chat on Woodneck Road in Falmouth, a Dickcissel on Minnetuxet Way in Yarmouth Port, and a Willet at Forest Beach in Chatham.

Bristol County notables were a Greater White-fronted Goose in the fields neat Davis Street, Mason Street, and Barney Avenue in Rehoboth, an American Bittern at Allens Pond in South Dartmouth, and a Brown Thrasher at the Egypt Lane Ponds in Fairhaven.

Plymouth County highlights included 5 Marsh Wrens at the Tidmarsh Sanctuary in Manomet, and another Marsh Wren was noted at the Eel River Conservation Area in Plymouth.  At the Manomet Bird Observatory an Orange-crowned Warbler was spotted.

Norfolk County hosted a Eurasian Wigeon that split its time between the Souther Tide Mill and Passanageset Park in Quincy, a Short-eared Owl was found at the Squantum Point Park, and a Vesper Sparrow was identified at Ward’s Field in Sharon.

Suffolk County species of note included 3 Semipalmated Plovers at the Belle Isle Marsh Reservation, 2 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers at the Arnold Arboretum and another one at the Fenway Victory Garden, a Barrow’s Goldeneye was noted at Castle Island in Boston Harbor, and a Red-shouldered Hawk was seen at the Pope John Paul Cemetery in Dorchester.

Middlesex County luminaries featured 3 Northern Shovelers at the Horn Pond Recreation Area in Woburn, and 2 Wilson’s Snipes were seen at the Woburn Community Garden.  Two Red-throated Loons were tallied at Fresh Pond in Cambridge, and 2 Canvasbacks were found on Eel Pond in Melrose.  A Virginia Rail appeared at the Food Project Farm in Lincoln, a Northen Pintail was at The Cistern in Medford, 2 Orange-crowned Warblers continue to be seen at Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, and a flock of 29 Rusty Blackbirds visited a yard in Groton.

Essex County highlights featured a Thick-billed Murre and a Yellow-throated Warbler at Castle Rock in Marblehead, and an Eared Grebe continues to be seen off the Little Private Beach in Marblehead.  An American Goshawk was recorded in the Harold Parker State Forest in North Andover, a Cackling Goose was seen at the Farnsworth Landing in Middleton, single Thick-billed Murres were observed off the Locust Grove Cemetery and at the Jodrey Fish Pier, both in in Gloucester.  A Yellow-breasted Chat was noted at 53 Leonard Avenue in Bradford, and an American Bittern was seen at Plum Island.

Berkshire County continued to host a Dickcissel at a feeder on Jug End Road in South Egremont, 8 Green-winged Teal at Lake Onota in Pittsfield, and a Yellow-breasted Sapsucker on the River Front Trail in Great Barrington.

Franklin County notables were a Clay-colored Sparrow in the North Meadows in Deerfield, 4 White-crowned Sparrows on Hadley Road in Sunderland, a Long-tailed Duck in the Turners Falls Power Canal in Montague, and 3 Black Vultures at Martin’s Farm in Greenfield.

Hampshire County was visited by an Iceland Gull at Quabbin Reservoir near the Windsor Dam in Belchertown, and 16 Green-winged Teal were tallied at Great Pond in Hatfield.

Hampden County species of interest were 2 Gadwalls at the Longmeadow Flats in Longmeadow, and a Red-breasted Merganser at the Congamond Lakes in Southwick.

Worcester County luminaries included 3 Sandhill Cranes at the Dexter Drumlin in Lancaster, and possibly the same 3 cranes on Center Bridge Road in Lancaster.  At the Wachusett Reservoir in West Boyleston 230 Greater Scaup were counted as well as a Red-throated Loon and a Red-breasted Merganser.  In the Rainbow Cove area of the reservoir, a Canvasback was observed in Clinton.  On the Mass Central Rail Trail in West Boyleston a Barrow’s Goldeneye continues to be observed.

Martha’s Vineyard was graced by the presence of single Eurasian Wigeons at the upper lagoon near the Tisbury Market Place and in Crystal Lake in Oak Bluffs.  In Aquinnah, a Bald Eagle was spotted.

Nantucket continued to host several unusual species including 7 Northern Shovelers at Long Pond, a Tufted Duck off the Horse Farm Lookout at Hummock Pond, and Eared Grebe at the Massasoit Bridge, an American Oystercatcher at Little Neck, a continuing Willet in Nantucket Harbor, and a similarly continuing Dickcissel at a feeder at 215 Madaket Road in Madaket.