Woman holding binoculars Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Woman holding binoculars Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
point boardwalk at with marsh and sun setting
Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary, Natick © Sean Seltzer

In the Gallery at Broadmoor: Mass Audubon's Teen Birder Group

April 30, 2024

For the month of May, Mass Audubon Broadmoor will host Mass Audubon's Metro West Teen Birder Group.

bird sitting on a black chain rope
©️ Adrien Currier

A curated exhibit of their bird photographs, artwork, and projects will be on display in Broadmoor's gallery, and the exhibit will run from Sunday, June 2 through Sunday, July 28. The gallery is free and open to the public.

puffin in flight against a pale blue sky
©️ Mathias Bitter