Wildwood Camp
27 Vining Road, Rindge, NH 03461
GPS Address: 462 Old New Ipswich Rd, Rindge, NH 03461
GPS units and websites for driving directions (Google Maps, etc.) often DO NOT GIVE ACCURATE directions to Wildwood. Please use the directions below.
Wildwood is located on Old New Ipswich Road, off Route 119 in Rindge, NH. Wildwood's street address has been re-numbered and is now 27 Vining Road, Rindge, NH, 03461 (for GPS, use the old street address 462 Old New Ipswich Road). Because of Rindge community policies, Wildwood may not put up permanent directional signs. We put up temporary signs at several intersections referenced in the directions below, in Rindge, on camp check-in or check-out days.
From Eastern Massachusetts
Take Route 2 West to the Concord Rotary, and proceed onto Route 119 West (approximately 1/3 of the way around the rotary). You will travel through the towns of Acton, Littleton, Groton, Townsend, and Ashby, and across the state line into Rindge, NH. Follow Route 119 to Cathedral Road (at the blinking yellow light). Turn right onto Cathedral Road. Follow Cathedral Road to Shaw Hill Road (just after the entrance to Cathedral of the Pines on the left) and turn right onto Shaw Hill Road. Follow Shaw Hill Road until it meets Old New Ipswich Road. Turn left on Old New Ipswich Road and follow Old New Ipswich Road to Wildwood. Wildwood is on the left, and the entrance is marked by a sign.
From Western Massachusetts
Take Route 2 East to Exit 90 (formerly Exit 24), onto Route 140 north into Winchendon, where it will merge with Route 12. Follow Routes 140 and 12 for about 1.5 miles to Route 202. Follow Route 202 into Rindge. At the junction of Routes 202 and 119, known as Foggs Corner, turn right onto Route 119 East. Follow Route 119 to Cathedral Road (at the blinking yellow light). Turn left onto Cathedral Road. Follow Cathedral Road to Shaw Hill Road (just after the entrance to Cathedral of the Pines on the left) and turn right onto Shaw Hill Road. Follow Shaw Hill Road until it meets Old New Ipswich Road. Turn left on Old New Ipswich Road and follow Old New Ipswich Road to Wildwood. Wildwood is on the left, and the entrance is marked by a sign.
From Route 202 in New Hampshire
Follow Route 202 south to Rindge, where it intersects with Route 119. At the junction of Routes 202 and 119, known as Foggs Corner, turn left onto Route 119 East. Follow Route 119 to Cathedral Road (at the blinking yellow light). Turn left onto Cathedral Road. Follow Cathedral Road to Shaw Hill Road (just after the entrance to Cathedral of the Pines on the left) and turn right onto Shaw Hill Road. Follow Shaw Hill Road until it meets Old New Ipswich Road. Turn left on Old New Ipswich Road and follow Old New Ipswich Road to Wildwood. Wildwood is on the left, and the entrance is marked by a sign.
- Latitude
- 42.76684
- Longitude
- -71.969054