Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Looking back at the Wildwood waterfront and dining hall from across Hubbard Pond
Wildwood Camp, Rindge, NH

Camp Life at Wildwood

Wildwood encompasses forests, fields, and wetlands for outdoor play and exploration, including trails, high and low ropes challenge courses, an archery range, and playing field.  Our waterfront along Hubbard Pond provides countless summer experiences and magnificent sunsets.   


Wildwood is all about choice and exploration. Campers choose daily from a wide selection of fun and engaging camp activities. 

Two people paddling a canoe on a lake with forest beyond.

Pre-Breakfast Jaunts

Early risers have the option to start their day with activities like birding, paddling, and the always popular Polar Bear Swim! 

Two girls standing in ankle-deep water at the edge of Hubbard Pond, hunched over a green dip net and peering in at the contents

Nature Programs 

Campers discover field, forest, and wetland habitats, the animal behaviors, plant adaptations, and more through hands-on investigation with trained naturalists.  

Girl on ropes course

Discovery Programs

Campers pick from a variety of choices: they can dive into deeper nature investigations or try activities such as arts and crafts, ropes course challenges, water sports, improv games, wacky science, and much more.  

Stand-up Paddleboarding at Wildwood Camp

Open Activity Times (OATs)

During this free time, campers swim or paddle on Hubbard Pond, join a game of soccer or gaga ball at the activity field, meet up with friends or siblings, or relax in a hammock with a good book.  

Wildwood campers playing a game

Evening Programs 

After dinner, campers come together for games and activities such as night hikes, beach parties, or sunset paddles. Favorite all-camp games and activities include Predator-Prey Tag, Heffalump Hunt, and campfire singalongs. 


Meals are a time to connect with friends over family-style entrées. Campers are served three well-balanced meals and an afternoon snack each day. Meal examples include eggs, pancakes, sandwiches, turkey dinner, and spaghetti with meatballs, with additional choices at the salad bar. 

Campers sit with their units during breakfast and dinner and can sit with friends from any part of camp at lunch. Campers take turns setting the table, carrying serving dishes, and cleaning up the table and dining hall after each meal. 

Food Allergies & Special Diets 

Our kitchen can accommodate many dietary needs including those of campers who follow vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free diets. 

A vegetarian option is available at each meal and we observe Meatless Mondays as part of our mission to protect the planet and reduce our carbon footprint. Vegan options are available when there are vegan campers or staff. We are nut free and do not use peanut or tree nut products.  Non-dairy alternatives are also available.  

To protect all our campers and staff, it is vital that campers and families refrain from bringing outside food, candy, or drinks to camp. Please do not hide food or candy in your camper’s luggage or their care packages; if you think your camper is hungry, please call us instead.

Age Units & Lodging 

Housing at Wildwood is simple and rustic. Each cabin or tent houses 4–7 campers. Cabins or tents are organized in small groups called units. Campers sleep in bunk beds. Every bed has a foam mattress, and top bunks have bed rails. 
Each unit has portable toilets (primarily for night and early morning visits) or flush toilets and a hand-washing station nearby. The central shower house has sinks, individual shower stalls with private dressing areas, and composting toilets. It is located near the playing field, Health Center and office. Showers are scheduled for each unit several times a week during overnight camp sessions. There are also flushing toilets near Carson and the dining hall.

A family poses for a selfie outside a dark brown cabin in the Leopold Unit at Wildwood Camp
Wildwood Camp, Rindge, NH

Wooden Cabins

These rustic cabins house up to six campers and one staff member on bunk beds. Each cabin is wired for electricity and features an overhead light, screen windows, and solid screen doors. Wooden Cabins house campers in the Leopold (boys) and Carson (girls) units.

A group of four boys poses for a photo for a woman holding a smartphone in front of a yellow platform tent with the entrance flaps tied back.
Wildwood Camp, Rindge, NH

Platform Tents 

Platform tents house up to six campers and one staff member. These classic canvas tents are set up on a solid wooden platform and do not have electricity. The tents allow campers to roll up the sides on a hot day to enjoy a cool breeze, or to close the front and rear flaps during a summer shower or cool evening. The Platform Tents house campers in the Thoreau unit (boys).

inside wooden tent - bunk beds
Wooden Tent at Wildwood Overnight Camp

Adirondack Cabins

Simple in design and without electricity, these rustic structures house up to eight campers and one staff member on wooden bunk beds. Barn doors at the back open onto a wooden deck along with large, screened openings on all four corners. The center of the roof is translucent fiberglass to let in sunlight and view the nighttime sky. The Adirondack Cabins house campers in the Fossey (girls) unit.

A Typical Day at Wildwood

7:00 am Pre-Breakfast Jaunt (optional) 

8:00-8:45 am Breakfast & Discovery Group Sign-up 

9:00-9:50 am Unit Time 

10:00-11:50 am Nature Groups 

12:00-12:45 pm Lunch 

1:00-1:50 pm Siesta  

2:00-3:50 pm Discovery Groups (2 sessions, 50 min each) 

4:00-5:15 pm Open Activity Time                        

5:30-5:45 pm Unit Time  

6:00-6:45 pm Dinner  

7:00-8:00 pm Evening Program

8:30 pm Return to Units/Cabin Chat until Lights Out