Programs & Activities at Habitat Education Center
Habitat Education Center in Belmont offers a wide variety of programs for people of all ages. Whether you're new to nature or an outdoors aficionado, there's something for everyone.
Birds & Birding
Join us on an upcoming birding program or go birding on your own.
Nature Preschool
At Habitat Nature Preschool, children learn through hands-on nature-based experiences.
HIP Volunteer Program
Habitat Intergenerational Program (HIP) is a volunteer community service and learning program.
Vacation Week Camps
Children can explore the natural world during school vacation in February and April.
Upcoming Programs
See moreOwls & Brew
Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Belmont
Saturday, January 25
Owl Prowl
Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Belmont
Saturday, February 8
February Vacation: Winter Wonderland
Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Belmont
Tuesday, February 18
Age 8 - 10
Programs for Schools
We offer hands-on, nature-based education programs for students both onsite and offsite. We can work with you to develop a curriculum that meets your needs.
Programs for Groups
Book an educational nature-based programs for your garden club, senior center, historical group, or other club or organization.