Women on bridge Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Women on bridge Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Man with a gray Mass Audubon shirt and blue glove holding a peregrine falcon.
Blue Hills Trailside Museum, Milton

Trails at Blue Hills Trailside Museum

Walk along the universally accessible All Persons Trail at Blue Hills Trailside Museum and then explore 125 miles of trails via the state-owned Blue Hills Reservation.

Trailside Museum Trail

All Persons Trail

Mass Audubon created a self-guided, fully accessible trail that takes you by the outdoor animal enclosures and bird feeding station. There is a guide rope along our outdoor trail, occasionally replaced by tactile cues on the ground, for the entire length of the trail. Get more details including the audio tour

State-Owned Blue Hills Reservation Trails

Operated in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Blue Hills Trailside Museum is the interpretive center for the state-owned Blue Hills Reservation. All trails are managed by DCR. Below is a listing of trails found on the DCR website. Find more trails

Great Blue Hill

Great Blue Hill may be the largest hill in the Blue Hills chain, but the 1-mile trail itself is just a moderate climb. Follow the red dot trail to head straight up from the South lot parking area or walk the paved access road from the North lot parking area.

Ponkapoag Pond

For a relaxed and more isolated hike, follow the 3.75-mile green dot trail around the largest and most remote body of water in Blue Hills Reservation.

Trail Map

Official MA DCR Blue Hills Reservation 2020 paper trail maps (18" x 26") are available to download or purchase. Proceeds from map sales help cover printing costs and shipping/handling if ordered by mail.


Buy In-Person

You can purchase laminated maps ($9) or unlaminated maps ($3) in the Museum Gift Shop. 

Order by Mail

To purchase an unlaminated map by mail, please: 

  • Write a note stating your mailing address and the number of maps you would like order.
  • Make a check payable to "Mass Audubon" for the total amount ($8 per map, which includes shipping and handling).
  • Mail the note and payment together to: Trailside Museum, ATTN: Maps, 1904 Canton Avenue, Milton, MA 02186