Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
A rocky ledge overlooking a forest overview.
Moose Hill, Sharon

Metro South

No matter your age or interests, you'll find something for everyone at our 4 Metro South wildlife sanctuaries.

Nature Centers & Trails

Blue Hills Trailside Museum, Milton

The interpretive center for the state-owned Blue Hills Reservation, this sanctuary features a natural history museum, outdoor wildlife exhibits, and is home to the Snowy Owl Project. Explore Blue Hills Trailside Museum

Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, Sharon

Mass Audubon's oldest and largest wildlife sanctuary encompasses forests, fields, and wetlands with diverse hiking trails and a red maple swamp boardwalk. Explore Moose Hill

Museum of American Bird Art Education Center, Canton

Located on a beautiful 121-acre property, the MABA Education Center connects people with nature through art through art-inspired educational programs for people of all ages. Explore MABA Education Center

Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, Norfolk

With an extensive boardwalk that goes through forest, fields, and wetlands, here you can get up-close views of wildlife above and under the water. Explore Stony Brook