Women on bridge Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Women on bridge Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Man sitting on a bench looking through binoculars out over a lake
Osgood Hill Partner Property, Andover

Osgood Hill Partner Property

Plan Your Visit

Made up of forest, fields, wetland, lake, namesake hill, and the historic Stevens Estate, these 200-plus acres are owned by the Town of North Andover and managed in partnership by Mass Audubon and Fireside Catering. This land was protected in 1995 by the residents of North Andover as well as Community Preservation Act funds.

Nature Center
  • Daily
  • dawn to dusk
  • 3.5 miles

Property Regulations

  • Leashed dogs are allowed on the property. Dog owners/walkers are responsible for moving all pet waste.
  • Use of motorized vehicles is not permitted.
  • Biking is permitted provided no new trails are created. Riding off trail by mountain bike is not permitted.
  • Cutting or removing of vegetation is not permitted without permission.


  • Parking