Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Campers Running Through Field with Nets

Support the Kids to Camp Fund

All kids deserve a chance to explore the outdoors. 

The delight of watching a butterfly land on a wildflower. 

The intricate detail of a bird’s feather seen through a magnifying glass. 

The joy of splashing through puddles in a summer rainstorm while the sun is still shining. 

Unforgettable experiences like these happen every day at Mass Audubon’s nature camps, where more than 10,000 children each year explore the outdoors and fall in love with the natural world. And now, thanks to sliding scale payment options, we’re making these special moments possible—and affordable—for every family. 

You can give more children unforgettable experiences in nature by donating to the Kids to Camp Fund

Mass Audubon nature camps have inspired lifelong passions for the natural world in tens of thousands of young people. Our campers grow up to be community-minded, enthusiastic nature lovers, the kind of future leaders our world needs most. 

If you or a young camper in your life had a special experience at a Mass Audubon camp, and you want to share the gift of nature with even more children and families, please consider donating today. 

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