Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Monarch caterpillar

Landforms & Forest Ecology Field Trip

Visit one of our local sanctuaries to explore evidence do of plate tectonics or glaciers activity from the past. Investigate the life cycle of the forest and how living things respond to changes through structure and behavior. Learn about some of the research Mass Audubon is doing to understand the effects climate change has on this resource.

This field trip is available at all of our South East Sanctuaries which include Allen's Pond, North River, Oak Knoll, and Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuaries.

Program Location(s):

  • Tidmarsh, Plymouth


6, 7, 8


See the Southeast Regional School Brochure for updated pricing.

Learning Standards Supported:

  • 6-MS-ESS1-4 - Earth's Place in the Universe - aging rock layers and index fossils

  • 6-MS-ESS2-3 - Earth's Systems - geologic evidence for plate techtonics

  • 7-MS-ESS3-2 - Earth and Human Activity - geologic evidence in disaster forcasting

  • 7-MS-LS2-3 - Ecosystems--Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics - matter and energy cycling

  • 8-MS-ESS2-1 - Earth's Systems - Earth's interior convection/rock cycle


For more information email us - [email protected].