Salt Marsh Science
Salt Marsh Science Project
Grades 6-12 | Fall or Spring
Series: 1 classroom (1 hour) visit followed by 1 field trip (1-2 hours)
Classroom: Students will be provided with an introduction to salt marsh ecology, function, and management. Discuss how salt marshes are changing in the face of sea level rise and other anthropogenic challenges.
Field Trip: At Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary students will participate in hands on long-term data collection including monitoring the growth of common reed in salt marshes, studying the effect of salinity (salt content) levels on the growth of salt marsh vegetation, assessing tidal restrictions (where human actions have obstructed the natural flow of the tide), and sampling for biodiversity measurements.
Program Location(s):
Felix Neck, Martha's Vineyard
Your school or other location
9, 10, 11, 12
Contact educator for pricing.
For more information email us - [email protected].