Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Monarch caterpillar

Field Trip: Human Impact on the Environment: Grades 3 to 5

The health of our environment is constantly being affected by the actions of humans. Every day we utilize natural resources as fuel and building materials, however, we rarely consider the impacts that we have on the environment by utilizing these resources. These impacts are causing dramatic changes in our environment and if we do not change our habits soon, future generations will not have a clean environment to utilize. In this program, students will discuss the direct impacts that humans have on the environment and how those impacts are altering habitats, wildlife populations, and natural resource supplies. Through hands-on, outdoor activities and discussions, students will identify the negative actions of humans and how they are impacting our environment as well as discuss ways to minimize these impacts in order to protect our Earth. Students will discuss the differences between renewable and non-renewable resources, observe the impacts of human actions on our environment, and discuss solutions for altering our actions and minimizing the environmental impacts. This program is offered year-round!

Field trips are 2 hour guided programs led by Teacher Naturalists and are held outdoors. Schools are welcome to extend the field trip with an outdoor picnic lunch/snack and a visit to the nature play area. School groups are divided into groups of 15 students with 1 Teacher Naturalist.

Field Trip prices are a sliding scale:

First Group of 15 Students:

  • Tier 1 $120
  • Tier 2 $150
  • Tier 3 $180

Each Additional Group of 15 Students:

  • Tier 1 $90
  • Tier 2 $120
  • Tier 3 $150

Tier 1

  • 50% or more students are Economically Disadvantaged Students as reported on recent DESE School Report Cards.

Tier 2

  • 20% to 50% of students are Economically Disadvantaged Students as reported on recent DESE School Report Cards.

Tier 3

  • Less than 20% of students are Economically Disadvantaged Students as reported on recent DESE School Report Cards.

Program Location(s):

  • Boston Nature Center, Mattapan

  • Your school or other location


3, 4, 5


Children - $8.00

Field Trip Fees are based on a Sliding Scale (see above). 10% Discount for a Series of programs (3 or more). 20% Discount for non-concurrent programs done on the same day, in the same location. Additional fee for off-site locations: Tier 1 - $50 / Tier 2 - $75 / Tier 3 - $100

Learning Standards Supported:

  • 3-ESS3-1 - Earth and Human Activity - design solutions to weather damage

  • 4-ESS3-1 - Earth and Human Activity - energy/fuel resources renewables

  • 5-LS2-2 (MA) - Ecosystems--Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics - composter designs


For more information email us - [email protected].