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Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Saturday, April 12

Bird Communication and Language


Have you ever wondered what our feathered friends are saying when they call to each other? What a robin's "chuck" or a chickadee's "pip" means to other birds and animals? This program will explore the fascinating realm of animal communication and how you can tap into the flow of information sounding through the woods of New England. Spot a passing hawk in a chipmunk’s alarm, or a sneaking fox in a robin’s wing flick. In an audible extension of wildlife track and sign, participants can expect to learn some of the basic alarms and contact calls from common species found in Massachusetts, and what they mean when the animals produce them.

Beginner naturalists are welcome and encouraged to attend. This program involves less than 1/4 mile of walking along mostly flat trails. The majority of the program will be sedentary. Parking is available across the street from the program building where universally accessible restrooms are located. Binoculars, large print field guides, an all terrain wheelchair and a rollator are available to borrow.

Checking registration status.

Yellow-rumped Warbler
  • Sat, Apr 12, 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


  • Adult Members $15
  • Adult Nonmembers $20


  • Nina Duggan - Field Teacher


Dress to be outdoors.