Family on boardwalk Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Family on boardwalk Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Thursday, February 20

February School Vacation Days-Thursday


Can you imagine living outside the entire winter? How do animals stay warm and find food? What are plants doing during this sleepy time? Explore what's happening at the sanctuary over school vacation. We'll play games, hike, do craft activities, and learn more about plants, insects, and animals in winter. Register for one, some, or all four days.

Checking registration status.

  • Thu, Feb 20, 2025 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Age 5 - 12

  • Child Members $70
  • Child Nonmembers $85


  • Mass Audubon Staff


Dress appropriately for the weather (we'll be outside most of the day). Bring two snacks and lunch.