The dawn chorus of bird songs can be one of the most uplifting parts of spring. At this combined workshop and bird walk, learn why and how birds vocalize, the difference between songs and calls, and what qualities to look for to tell different species' songs apart.
After this general introduction to the world of bird sounds, we'll go outside to practice our ability to describe and make sense of these sounds on the landscape. Rather than trying to identify every single sound we hear, we'll focus on learning to recognize a handful of local bird sounds by heart. You'll also get tips related to the popular Merlin app's "Sound ID" feature: its strengths, challenges, and ways to use it to supplement your learning.
The outdoor component of this program will cover less than 0.5 miles of distance and will be largely stationary once we reach our destination for quiet listening. The trail surface is wide, level or gradually sloping, and gravel-paved.

- Sat, May 24, 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Adult Members $20
- Adult Nonmembers $25
Location: Greylock Glen, Adams
Questions? Contact us:
- 413-637-0320 [email protected]
Nicaela Haig - Public Programs Specialist
Meet in the education wing at the Greylock Glen Outdoor Center. When you enter the main doors, turn right and follow the hall all the way to the end to reach the classroom area. For more information on the facility, visit
Pre-registration is recommended. If the program is not full, a limited number of walk-ins can be accommodated by cash or check in exact change. Credit card payments are for pre-registrations only.