Saturday, January 25

Tracking Workshop: Weasels and Rodents


Hoppers and bounders, such as squirrels and weasels, leave behind fascinating tracking mysteries that reveal their secretive habits and survival strategies. Explore the trails at Pleasant Valley in search of tracks, scat, chews, and other evidence of rabbits, squirrels, mink, fisher, and weasels and we'll unravel the mysteries we discover.

Dress for the weather and enjoy a morning of winter tracking. This program covers up to a mile of trail depending on the amount of tracks we find. Terrain is gradually sloping and occasionally hilly. The trail surface could be uneven or slippery due to snow, mud or ice. Traction spikes or snowshoes may be available to borrow on a first-come, first-served basis.

Checking registration status.

© Phil Doyle
  • Sat, Jan 25, 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


  • Adult Members $20
  • Adult Nonmembers $25


  • Nicaela Haig - Public Programs Specialist


Dress for the weather and prepare for uneven terrain. Snowshoes or other traction assistance may be required depending on conditions; a limited number may be available for loan at the front office (call 413-637-0320 at least one day before the program to reserve).

Pre-registration is recommended. If the program is not full, a limited number of walk-ins can be accommodated by cash or check in exact change. Credit card payments are only for pre-registrations.