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Thursday, April 3

Birding in a Changing Climate


Birds are a wonderful vehicle for witnessing cyclic and seasonal changes.

In this seasonal series, we meet on the first Thursday of the month at Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary to appreciate how patterns in weather, climate, and shifting habitats influence the birds and environment around us.

Join us to take a deeper dive into understanding how and why climate change is having such an impact on birds.

Checking registration status.

Pink Lady's Slippers
  • Thu, Apr 03, 2025 8:30 am - 10:30 am


  • Adult Members $15
  • Adult Nonmembers $18


  • South East Instructor


We meet in the parking lot at Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary.

This program will take place entirely outdoors, please come prepared for a walk and wear sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate layers.

Bring binoculars if you have them; we will have extras to share.

Directions to Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary

Address: Winslow Cemetery Rd, Marshfield, MA 02050

Directions From Rt 3 north or south: Take Exit 27 (Rt 139). Follow Rt 139 east for 3.7 miles to Marshfield Center. Turn right at light onto Webster Street. Follow Webster Street 1.5 miles and turn left onto Winslow Cemetery Road. Sanctuary parking is 0.7 miles ahead (at the end of the road.)