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Monday, June 23

Moose Hill Nature Camp: Counselors-In-Training


If you're a teen who enjoys being outside in nature, working with children, and wants to learn leadership skills, then apply to be in our CIT program! Participate in training sessions and assist counselors by creating activities and helping with camp activities. You will develop leadership and educator skills while honing your natural history skills in small groups of no more than 8 peers, ages 14-16.

If CITs sign up for multiple weeks, they will be given additional tasks and more responsibility to help them develop their skills further with each successive session. Please note: CITs must be at least 14 years old by the start of camp.

Checking registration status.

© Ryan Helen Dorsey
  • Mon, Jun 23, 2025 9:00am-4:00pm

Age 14 - 16

  • Child Members $270


  • Mass Audubon Staff


In order for you to sign up your child(ren) for the CIT program, please complete this Teen Application:

We offer extended-day programs to meet your busy schedule. These options can be selected when registering online. To add either option post-registration, please call or email the Camp Office.

Pre-registration is required.

Make sure that your CIT brings a lunch, water bottle, a change of clothes, and closed toe shoes.