Woman holding binoculars Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Woman holding binoculars Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Sunday, September 15

Mindfulness in Nature


Slow down, engage your senses, and deepen your appreciation of the natural history of this special slice of Cambridge. We'll enjoy simple warm-up movements, guided breathing and centering awareness, mindful walking with sensory activities, and finding our nature meditation/sit spot. All are welcome, so come as you are and just be yourself. You will be supported as you connect to nature in your own way. As Shinrin Yoku ('forest bathing') and similar practices around the world are reminding us, nurturing our inherent relationship with nature is good for us, body and soul.

Stefanie Haug, LICSW, (she/her) guides people on journeys of self-awareness and relationship with nature as a local psychotherapist and certified Mindful Outdoor Guide (Kripalu School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership). Stefanie is a lifelong nature nurturer and can often be found outdoors in all types of locations and weather, taking it in with a sense of wonder, humor and calm.

Community philanthropy enables us to offer a wide variety of Magazine Beach programs for free.

Checking registration status.

© James Jennings
  • Sun, Sep 15, 2024 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


  • Adult Members Free
  • Adult Nonmembers Free


  • Stefanie Haug, LICSW - Mindful Outdoor Guide


What to bring: layered clothing, comfortable shoes, small mat or towel to sit on, water.

Program meets in front of the Magazine Beach Park Nature Center. Parking is available. Please avoid driving if possible.