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Monday, January 13

The Art and Ecology of Owls


Learn about native New England owls, create unique art prints inspired by owls to take home, and then head out on an owl prowl on the 125 acres at the Museum of America Bird Art. Come away with a deeper knowledge of these amazing birds, unique art to commemorate the experience, and the skills to look for Owls on your own.

Checking registration status.

Barred Owl
  • Mon, Jan 13, 2025 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm


  • Adult Members $40
  • Adult Nonmembers $45


  • Sean Kent - Arts and Nature Education Manager, Artist


Please park in the gravel parking lot by the large yellow barn and walk along the paved pathway in front of the yellow barn, two smaller buildings, and turn left onto the brick pathway which will lead you to the entrance to the Nest. All Materials Provided.

This program will start indoors with a printmaking experience and then we will head outdoors, with moderate walking in low light.