Saturday, June 21

LGBTQ+ Teens and Friends: Birding with Pride


Celebrate Pride Month by birding together with fellow LGBTQ+ friends and allies; all the while learning about the importance of these beautiful creatures, and the queer conservationists that made history protecting land, animals and people. We will be birding in Great Brook Farm State Park in Concord.

This program is open to anyone who identifies as LGBTQIA2S+, as well as their friends and Allies.

Checking registration status.

© Gretchen Ertl
  • Sat, Jun 21, 2025 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Age 13 & up

  • Child Members $55
  • Child Nonmembers $60


  • Lindsay Neubeck - Public Programs Coordinator, Metro West


All participants must complete a health/emergency contact form which will be included with your welcome email at least one week before the program begins. Please always wear boots or closed shoes- bring a backpack with water, lunch and snacks and any optics you'd like to bring. We have spare binoculars should you need them as well as a scope that all will be able to use.