The trails at High Ledges allow access to outstanding views as well as spring wildflowers. This walk will be more of a hike and will include the ledges and a loop through the forest and nearby wetlands in search of flowering herbs and shrubs. With luck, we'll be rewarded with a display of pink lady slippers and other unique wildflowers.

- Wed, May 14, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Adult Members $15
- Adult Nonmembers $20
Location: High Ledges Wildlife Sanctuary, Shelburne
Questions? Contact us:
- 413-584-3009 [email protected]
Connie Parks - Botanist and Arcadia Volunteer
Patti Steinman - Senior Naturalist
Be prepared to hike for 2.5 miles at a leisurely pace with some gain in elevation. At the junction of Rt 2 and I-91 in Greenfield, continue west on Rt 2 toward Shelburne for 6 miles. Take a right onto Little Mohawk Rd and bear left at the next junction onto Patten Rd. Continuing on Patten Rd, bear left at the next junction and then bear right. The sanctuary entrance is the second left at approximately 0.8 miles. A small parking area is located a few hundred yards down the sanctuary road on the left; an overflow parking area is also on the left, just as you turn onto the sanctuary road. We will hope to meet at the parking lot further from the paved road. Wear sturdy boots, bring insect repellent, water, a snack, and a field guide if you have one. Thunder cancels.