Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Teachers looking at salamander and eggs

Professional Development for Kindergarten–Grade 12 Educators

Mass Audubon’s professional development programs are designed to empower K-12 educators with the skills and confidence they need to engage their students in meaningful and rigorous environmental learning experiences. Whether you're a seasoned educator or new to the classroom, our standards-aligned workshops and courses offer practical tools and resources to support you in bringing hands-on, inquiry-based STEM learning experiences into your curriculum. 

Upcoming PD Programs

Professional Development Workshops for Schools

Mass Audubon’s Professional Development workshops engage educators in hands-on, inquiry-based learning experiences. Whether you are conducting field investigations, analyzing climate data, or using nature journals to observe a local habitat, you'll gain practical skills that you can apply directly in your classroom. No matter what grade or subject you teach, our standards-aligned workshops and courses will help you integrate environmental learning seamlessly into your existing curriculum.

We understand that every educator has unique needs and goals. All workshops are available in-person or online and can be customized to meet your school or district's specific needs. 

A Mass Audubon educator leads a group of young people in an activity in a sun-lit meadow

Workshops for Grades K-8

Bringing Learning Outdoors

Make the most of whatever nature surrounds your schoolyard, whether that’s a parking lot, a suburban lawn or a forest. In this three-part series, we’ll help participants use inquiry-based techniques to incorporate the nature around them into their curriculum, while imparting practical skills to make outdoor learning a realistic, enjoyable, and effective part of the school experience.

Research is clear that learning outdoors can boost engagement, focus attention, ease behavioral challenges, increase test scores, and strengthen mental and physical health. Learn practical methods for getting outdoors with students as part of the curriculum, including strategies for behavior management, safety and weather considerations, and ready to use activities to make outdoor learning a reality.

Field journals have been used for hundreds of years by amateur and professional scientists, and for good reason: they are a handy way to focus attention, collect ideas, and keep track of data over time. As a tool in the outdoor classroom, they are an effective way to foster literacy skills, encourage organization, generate a deeper love of the natural world, and even facilitate sustained attention. Learn practical techniques to integrate this proven tool into your existing curriculum.

How can we make science time more exciting and at the same time, teach the science practices embedded in the Massachusetts standards? Learn effective, proven techniques for generating student curiosity, supporting scientific habits of mind, fostering respectful “science talk” and facilitating genuine inquiry-based learning that supports the science topics in your curriculum.

ABCs of Teaching Climate Change

Explore the basics of climate change science, climate justice, and practical approaches for teaching this critical topic to K-8 students. Educators will leave feeling more confident in your understanding of climate science and better equipped with tools and strategies to teach about climate change in a hopeful and developmentally appropriate way. 

In this session, we will introduce and/or reinforce the causes and effects (both local and global) of climate change and explore solutions. Participants will be asked to think about themselves as both learners and teachers and are introduced to the 5 core principles of teaching climate change. 

In this session, we will dive deeply into the 5 core principles of teaching climate change. Participants will be introduced to strategies for incorporating climate change into their curriculum, explore specific lesson plans and resources, and then spend time practicing and planning in small groups.  

In this session, we will shift from learning to action. Participants will be offered strategies and guidelines for taking action around climate change with K-8 students. Participants will see examples of student action, then considering their teaching context, work collaboratively to plan how they will incorporate climate action into their classroom or programs.   

Educator looking up into a container with a magnifying glass

Workshops for Grades 6-12

Teaching Climate Justice

Gain the skills, tools, and resources to teach climate change. In this three-part, virtual workshop series, participants will review the basics of climate change science, learn about local climate impacts through a climate justice lens, and explore how to support students’ involvement in meaningful solutions to climate change in their communities.

Learn what climate change is, why it is happening, and how to communicate about it to middle school students. Practice communicating the basics of climate change and leave with an activity write up and resources to find more information about climate change impacts in your own communities.

What is climate justice? Explore the important historical and systematic context behind why climate change is affecting people differently and discover what climate justice looks like in your own community through a mapping activity you can bring back to your classroom.

How do we disrupt climate injustice? Participants will learn how to have conversations about climate justice with their students, and to shift that conversation from “me to we.” Leave with a set of climate action resources that you can use to support students in their own classrooms to move toward collective climate action.

Additional Support Services

Go beyond professional development workshops with Mass Audubon's wraparound support services for your school or district. 

Site Visits

Our on-site (or virtual) consultations help you unlock the potential of your schoolyard and make the best possible use of whatever outdoor space you have available. We'll provide a detailed report with suggestions for activities and topics tailored to your unique space. We can visit your site, in-person or virtually, to help identify how to make the best use of your outdoor space. 

Curriculum Consultation

Collaborate with Mass Audubon staff to design engaging and rigorous outdoor learning that seamlessly fits within your existing curriculum and aligns with Massachusetts Science Frameworks. We offer both in-person and virtual consultations for your convenience. 

To learn more about any of our professional development services, please contact us.

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Upcoming Professional Development

Whether you're looking for a one-time workshop or a multi-day course, we offer options to fit your needs and interests.