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Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, Wellfleet

Cape Cod Bird Sightings — Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Cape Cod Weekly Wildlife Sightings is sponsored by the Bird Watchers General Store in Orleans and Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. The following sightings were reported between March 20 and March 26, 2024.

A young male King Eider was found among the Common Eiders at the Scusset Beach end of the canal this week.

The Bohemian Waxwing continued sporadically in Yarmouth Port this week, mostly keeping company with Cedar Waxwings and the Townsend’s Solitaire continued at High Head in North Truro.

At least 3 Black-headed Gulls have been seen on various beaches between Osterville and Hyannis.

Sightings at Race Point in Provincetown included an early Manx Shearwater, 2 Pacific Loons, 2 Thick-billed Murres, 2 Black Guillemot, 90 Razorbills, 4 Common Murres, 8 Iceland Gulls, a Glaucous Gull, and 325 Red-throated Loons.

At Bell’s Neck conservation area on West Harwich, sightings this week included a Blue-winged Teal, a Northern Pintail, 43 Green-winged Teal, 6 Black-crowned Night-Herons, 7 Snowy Egrets, 11 Great Egrets, 2 Clapper Rails, 12 Greater Yellowlegs, 6 Osprey, and 3 Bald Eagles.

Other sightings around the Cape included a Brown Thrasher in Sandwich, a continuing Dickcissel in Yarmouth Port, a continuing Whimbrel in West Dennis, single Orange-crowned Warblers in Orleans and Brewster, an American Bittern in North Truro, and a Black Vulture in Provincetown.

If you have questions about these sightings, or want to report a sighting, call the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary at 508-349-2615 or send e-mail to [email protected].