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Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Flowing water down a cascade of rocks.

Directions to Richardson Brook Wildlife Sanctuary

From Mass Turnpike: take Exit 4 to Interstate 91 South to West Springfield. Continue on Interstate 91 to Exit 3, North 5 to 57 Agawam. Bear right, cross the Connecticut River and enter rotary. Keep right to Route 57 West, Southwick. From this point continue for approximately 28 miles on Route 57, paying close attention to the Route 57 signs at all intersections. Pass through the towns of Southwick, Granville, and the center of Tolland. The wildlife sanctuary is located in Tolland on Route 57 slightly beyond the large overhead sign that reads “Steep Hill, Curves”. Look for the Richardson Brook sign on your left. Trail head is located adjacent to the sanctuary sign. There is roadside parking on the sanctuary side of Route 57.

Please note: Only roadside parking available (not plowed in winter).

Address: Tolland, MA