Women on bridge Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Women on bridge Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Brook with stones at Broad Meadow Brook
Broad Meadow Brook © Donald Perkins

Broad Meadow Brook Restoration Project Update: Gathering Community Feedback

October 24, 2024

Broad Meadow Brook’s 40-acre wetland has been severely degraded by the alteration of natural water flows, poor water quality, and invasive plants. The restoration of this land is essential to develop a self-sustaining, dynamic wetland ecosystem that is accessible for the enjoyment and benefit of neighbors, residents, and visitors.  

Community Feedback  

One of the first steps in this multi-year project is reaching out to members of the Worcester community. To effectively increase inclusive and equitable access to nature, we must understand community perception and needs. 

To reach as many people as possible, we’re conducting in person and virtual listening sessions as well as an online survey.   

Brook with stones at Broad Meadow Brook
Broad Meadow Brook © Donald Perkins

The first listening session took place on August 6, 2024. Mass Audubon Senior Conservation Ecologist Tom Lautzenheiser presented on the project goals and importance of ecological restoration of the brook and wetlands.   

Through different breakout sessions, we heard what neighbors love about the wildlife sanctuary and what could be improved for a better experience for visitors.   

In addition, Mass Audubon’s Worcester Community Engagement Coordinator, Isabela Chachapoyas Ortiz, organized a discussion where participants were asked to discuss how they engage with the sanctuary, improvements they would like to see, and how the project could affect them.  

Participants shared an overall excitement for future restoration efforts including the potential for interactive trails and boardwalks around the brook.   

Download Listening Session Slides 

Share Your Voice 

Our next Community Sharing Session on November 12 at Broad Meadow Brook in Worcester as well as online.  

Whether you attend a listening session or not, please take our survey and share your thoughts on the sanctuary and restoration project. Participants will be entered into a gift card giveaway. The survey is available in English, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Twi


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