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Friday, October 27, 2023

Several unusual species recorded this week included a Purple Gallinule at Nantucket, a Rufous Hummingbird in Orleans, a slightly early Northern Shrike in Sheffield, a Cave Swallow at Halibut State Park in Rockport, a Say’s Phoebe at Plum Island, and a Le Conte’s Sparrow in Quincy.

Cape Cod highlights were led by a Rufous Hummingbird visiting the gardens on Hopkins Lane in Orleans, a late Ruby-throated Hummingbird in Chatham, a Barn Owl and a Philadelphia Vireo at the lighthouse on South Monomoy, single Lark Sparrows at the Harwich Community Gardens and the Cape Cod Organic Farm in Barnstable, a Little Gull and a Purple Sandpiper at Race Point in Provincetown, a Glossy Ibis at the Pagoreic Sanctuary in West Barnstable, and a late Common Nighthawk at the Cape Cod Organic Farm in Barnstable.

Bristol County luminaries were a Eurasian Wigeon at the Miller Street Pond in Seekonk, a Cackling Goose at the Bristol County Agricultural School fields in Dighton, 2 Prairie Warblers at Ocean View Farm Reservation in Dartmouth, a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher was observed at West Island in Fairhaven, 2 more gnatcatchers were noted in Acoaxet, and a third one was seen at The Knubble in Westport.  Gooseberry Neck in Westport hosted a Purple Sandpiper and a Clay-colored Sparrow.

Plymouth County notable reports included a Hudsonian Godwit, a Short-billed Dowitcher, and a late Baird’s Sandpiper at Plymouth Beach.  Lingering Ospreys were reported at World’s End in Hingham, Hedges Pond in Plymouth, and Briggs Cove in Marion, and 3 Sandhill Cranes continue to be seen at the Burrage Pond Wildlife Area in Hanson.  A single Solitary Sandpiper was seen in Myles Standish State Forest, a Spotted Sandpiper was spotted at Bare Cove Park in Hingham, a Least Sandpiper and a Nelson’s Sparrow were tallied at Third Cliff in Scituate, a Clay-colored Sparrow was spotted at the Eel River Preserve in Plymouth.

Norfolk County observers located 2 Red-necked Grebes off Wollaston Beach, a Le Conte’s Sparrow, a Clay-colored Sparrow, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and an American Bittern at Passanageset Park at Broad Meadows Marsh in Quincy, 8 Forster’s Terns at Squantum Point Park in Squantum, and a Wilson’s Warbler at Hall’s Pond in Brookline.

Suffolk County hosted an impressive overhead movement of 107 Purple Finches in Jamaica Plain, 6 Pectoral Sandpipers, a Lesser Yellowlegs, a Long-billed Dowitcher, and a Stilt Sandpiper at the Belle Isle State Park Reservation, a Black-throated Blue Warbler and a Brown Thrasher at the Rose Kennedy Greenway, and an American Oystercatcher at Winthrop Beach.

Middlesex County highlights included 2 Solitary Sandpipers at the Arlington Reservoir, a Spotted Sandpiper at Broadmoor Sanctuary in South Natick, an American Golden-Plover and a Bobolink at Great Meadows Refuge in Concord, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo at the Horn Pond Recreation Area in Woburn, a Northern Parula and a Clay-colored Sparrow at Danehy Park in Cambridge.  A Clay-colored Sparrow was also found at the Waltham Street fields in Waltham.

Essex County luminaries were led by a Say’s Phoebe at Plum Island and a Cave Swallow at Halibut Point in Rockport.  Other species of interest were a Common Gallinule and several Stilt Sandpipers at Plum Island, a late Ruby-throated Hummingbird at feeder in Gloucester, a Bobolink at Waring Field in Rockport, and a tardy Bay-breasted Warbler at Wingaersheek Beach in Gloucester, and a Black-billed Cuckoo at the Reynolds & Proctor Woodland in Wenham.

Berkshire County observations of interest included a Cackling Goose and a lingering Osprey at the Mt. Williams Reservoir in North Adams, an early Northern Shrike at Howden Farm in Sheffield, a Spotted Sandpiper at the Cheshire Reservoir in Cheshire, and single Blue-headed Vireos in Williamstown and at the Jug End Reservation in Egremont.

Franklin County’s star visitor this week was a Cackling Goose at the Tri-Town Beach in Whately.

Hampshire County continued to host 3 Pink-footed Geese and a Cackling Goose at the UMass campus pond in Amherst, and elsewhere in the county there were reports of 8 late Chimney Swifts in Hadley, a Solitary Sandpiper in the Northampton East Meadows, a Blue-headed Vireo at Arcadia Sanctuary in Easthampton, a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in Hadley, and 3 Pine Warblers in Belchertown.

Hampden County was visited by 2 soaring Golden Eagles in Wilbraham, 6 late Blue-winged Teal at the Longmeadow Flats in Longmeadow, a lingering Ruby-throated Hummingbird in Granville, a Brown Thrasher at the Stebbins Refuge in Longmeadow, and a Solitary Sandpiper at the Whiting Street Reservoir in Holyoke.

Worcester County was highlighted by a Cattle Egret at gate 37 of the Wachusett Reservoir in Clinton, 2 Sandhill Cranes at Jordan’s Pond in Spencer, 2 Black Vultures at the Upton State Forest and another one over Cookson Field in Worcester, 4 Common Yellowthroats at the Westboro Wildlife Area in Westboro, a Nelson’s Sparrow at the Little Chauncy Wildlife Area in Northborough.

Martha’s Vineyard was visited by an American Bittern 4 Red Crossbills at the Cove Meadow Preserve on Chappaquiddick, 2 Bald Eagles observed from the Oak Bluff ferry, a Hudsonian Godwit on the shore of Sengekontacket Pond in Edgartown, and 3 Common Ravens near Gay Head.

Nantucket bright lights featured a Purple Gallinule in the Madaket area on Warren’s Landing Road, a Common Gallinule at Miacomet Park, a Northern Shoveler at Sesachacha Pond, 4 Snowy Egrets at The Creeks Reserve, a Lark Sparrow in the community gardens on Hummock Pond Road, and a Hudsonian Godwit and a White-eyed Vireo in the vicinity of 40 Western Avenue.