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Monarch caterpillar

Friday, December 29, 2023

Sightings of particular note this week included a Pacific Loon, a Western Grebe, a Western Kingbird, 2 Ash-throated Flycatchers, 2 Western Tanagers, 2 Yellow-throated Warblers, a Say’s Phoebe, and a very late Whimbrel.

Cape Cod hosted a variety of interesting birds this week including a Yellow-throated Warbler, a Western Kingbird, and a Lark Sparrow at the Visitor’s Center of the Cape Cod Seashore in Eastham, and 2 Willets at Forest Beach in Chatham. Other outstanding sightings were a Snowy Egret and a Great Egret at the mouth of Barnstable Harbor, another Great Egret in Wellfleet, a Short-billed Dowitcher and a Red Knot at Chapin Beach in Dennis, a Clay-colored Sparrow at the Twin Brooks Golf Course in Barnstable, a Dickcissel in Wellfleet, and a Lesser Yellowlegs at High Head in Truro.

Bristol County luminaries included 6 Northern Shovelers and a Cackling Goose at Buttonwood Park in New Bedford, a Barrow’s Goldeneye and a Black-headed Gull at West Island Beach in Fairhaven, 4 Clapper Rails at the Egypt Lane Ponds in Fairhaven, an American Bittern at Ocean View Farm in Dartmouth, and 7 Great Egrets at Mishaum Point in Dartmouth.

Plymouth County continued to host an Ash-throated Flycatcher on the powerline on Laurel Street in Halifax, and in Hingham there was a Lark Sparrow and a Baltimore Oriole at Stodder’s Neck. Other notables were a Snowy Egret at Nelson’s Beach in Plymouth, a Western Tanager on Minuteman Lane in Plymouth, a Vesper Sparrow at Leland Farm in East Bridgewater, and 4 Palm Warblers at the Foothills Preserve in Plymouth.

Norfolk County highlights were 3 Great Egrets at the Sailor’s Home Pond in Quincy, 2 Short-eared Owls at Squantum Point Park in Squantum, a Northern Shoveler at Longfellow Pond in Wellesley Hills, and a Bell’s Vireo at Webb Memorial Park in Hingham.

Suffolk County birders were pleased with a continuing Western Grebe at Winthrop Beach, and a Yellow-throated Warbler at Point of Pines in Revere. Also interesting were a Barrow’s Goldeneye, 7 Razorbills, and a very late Semipalmated Sandpiper at Castle Island in Boston Harbor. Also of note was a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at the Arnold Arboretum.

Middlesex County bright lights were single Orange-crowned Warblers at the Horn Pond Recreation Area in Woburn and the Falzone Memorial Park in Waltham, and 2 more were found at Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge. A Yellow-breasted Chat was tallied at the Mary Cummings Park in Burlington, a Dickcissel was found in the Reservoir area of the Middlesex Fells, and 2 American Pipits were seen at Nine Acre Corner in Concord.

Essex County reports featured a Parasitic Jaeger and a continuing Ash-throated Flycatcher and a White-eyed Vireo at Halibut Point State Park in Rockport, a Yellow-throated Warbler at Castle Rock in Marblehead, a Lark Sparrow at the Salisbury Beach State Reservation camping area in Salisbury, and 6 Virginia Rails at Sidney’s Pond in South Peabody.

Berkshire County waterfowl of interest included a Cackling Goose and 6 America Wigeon at Smiley’s Pond in South Egremont, and 2 Northern Pintails at the Cheshire Reservoir in Cheshire. Other species of interest were a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Christian Hill in Great Barrington and 7 Red Crossbills on Center Road in Savoy.

Franklin County notables were out of season Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers in New Salem and Sunderland, and a Black Scoter at gate 35 of the Quabbin Reservoir in New Salem.

Hampshire County accolades belonged to a late Blue-headed Vireo at Wildwood Cemetery in Amherst, and a Cackling Goose at the UMass campus pond in Amherst.

Hampden County hosted a Cackling Goose at the Congamond Lakes in Southwick.

Worcester County highlights were a Say’s Phoebe at the Uxbridge Community Gardens, a Cackling Goose at the New Swedish Cemetery in Worcester, 8 Red Crossbills at Lake Denison in Winchendon, 5 different Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers at several different locations, and an Orange-crowned Warbler on Lenox Street in Worcester.

Martha’s Vineyard luminaries were a Eurasian Wigeon at Crystal Lake in Oak Bluffs, a Redhead in Chilmark, an Ash-throated Flycatcher on Stork’s Nest Lane in Chilmark, 92 Tree Swallows at Black Point in Chilmark, and a Common Raven at Waller Farm in Edgartown.

Nantucket sightings of interest were 2 American Oystercatchers in Nantucket Harbor, a “Thayer’s” Herring Gull at Low Beach, 2 Northern Shovelers at Sesachacha Pond, and a Common Gallinule and a Dickcissel at Madaket. At Tuckernuck Island there were 5 American Woodcocks, 4 Common Ravens, a Blue-headed Vireo, a Black-throated Blue Warbler, and 3 Great Egrets.