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Monarch caterpillar

Friday, December 15, 2023

Standout reports this week were a Say’s Phoebe in Belchertown, a Western Grebe in Winthrop, Yellow-headed Blackbirds at two different localities, a Western Kingbird in Freetown, and Ash-throated Flycatchers in Cambridge and Halifax.

Cape Cod highlights this week included a very late Whimbrel at West Dennis Beach, a Pacific Loon at Race Point in Provincetown, a Sooty Shearwater at Skaket Beach in Orleans, an American Oystercatcher at Hardings Beach in Chatham, 53 Tree Swallows at Gull Pond in Wellfleet, an Indigo Bunting at the Putnam Farm Conservation Area in Orleans, a Black-headed Gull at Craigville Beach in Barnstable, a lingering Laughing Gull on the Morris Island causeway in Chatham, a late Semipalmated Plover at the Eugenia Fortes Beach in Barnstable, and a Blue-headed Vireo in Harwich.

Bristol County notables included a Great Egret, a Barrow’s Goldeneye, and a Short-eared Owl at West Island Beach in Fairhaven, a Western Kingbird and a Palm Warbler at the Mill Brook Bogs WMA in Freetown, and 4 Clapper Rails at the Egypt Lane Ponds in Fairhaven.

Plymouth County luminaries were highlighted by an Ash-throated Flycatcher on a powerline on Laurel Street in Halifax, in the same general area where 2 Sandhill Cranes were also spotted, an Indigo Bunting at the Cumberland Farms fields on Wood Street in Halifax.  In addition, a Lark Sparrow was seen at Stodders Neck in Hingham, a Black-headed Gull at Bluefish Creek in Duxbury, a Great Egret in the Minot area of Scituate, a Snowy Egret at Nelson Park in Plymouth, and a Cackling Goose at the Daniel Webster Sanctuary in Marshfield.

Norfolk County hosted 3 Great Egrets at the Sailor’s Home Pond in Quincy, a Lesser Black-backed Gull and an Iceland Gull were tallied at Lake Massapoag in Sharon, a Yellow-headed Blackbird was observed going to roost with a large flock of Red-winged Blackbirds at Nahanton Park in Dedham, a Northern Shrike was seen at McCarthy Park in Medfield, 3 Palm Warblers were found at the old Shea Naval Air Station in Weymouth, and a late lingering Wilson’s Warbler continues to be seen at Hall’s Pond in Brookline.

Suffolk County highlights featured a Western Grebe a Winthrop Beach, a Western Tanager in the vicinity of Columbus Park and Lewis Wharf in Boston, a Lincoln’s Sparrow at Post Office Square, a Yellow-breasted Chat at Lewis Lake Park in Winthrop, a Long-billed Dowitcher at the Belle Isle Marsh Reservation, and a Clay-colored Sparrow, 2 Marsh Wrens, and a late House Wren at Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

Middlesex County observers spotted an Ash-throated Flycatcher Danehy Park in Cambridge, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Westford, a migrating Golden Eagle in Groton, a Rough-legged Hawk at the Hanscom Field and Massport Trail area in Concord, an Orange-crowned Warbler at Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, a Northern Parula on South Street in Waltham, and a continuing Clay-colored Sparrow at Weston Station Pond in Weston.

Essex County luminaries were a Redhead off Red Rock Park in Lynn, a remarkable total of 9 Cackling Geese at the Putnamville Reservoir in Danvers, 5 late Laughing Gulls at Niles Pond in East Gloucester and 3 more at West Beach in Beverly, a Golden Eagle traveling over Ipswich, 3 Black-crowned Night-Herons at Perkins Park in Newburyport, a Snowy Egret in Chester Square in Gloucester, a White-eyed Vireo in Nahant, and a Prairie Warbler lingering on Bond Street in Gloucester.

Berkshire County was visited by 13 Northern Shovelers at Laurel Lake in Lee, a Red-breasted Merganser at Lake Pontoosuc in Pittsfield, and single Long-tailed Ducks at Silver Lake in Pittsfield and another one at Laurel Lake in Lee.

Hampshire County was graced by a visit from a Say’s Phoebe near the Quabbin Reservoir Visitor’s Center by the Windsor Dam in Belchertown, where 3 Black Vultures were also observed soaring overhead.  Other county sightings included a Lesser Black-backed Gull at the Holyoke Dam in South Hadley, a late Black-and-white Warbler at the Roberts Hill Conservation Area in Leeds, and a Nashville Warbler at the Hickory Ridge Conservation Area in Amherst.

Hampden County hosted a Yellow-headed Blackbird among a large flock of Red-winged Blackbirds on Pochassic Road in Westfield.

Worchester County birders spotted a Long-tailed Duck at gate 35 at the Wachusett Reservoir in Sterling, an Orange-crowned Warbler at Broad Meadow Brook Sanctuary in Worcester, 26 Red Crossbills at the Lake Wompanoag Sanctuary in Gardner, and 3 Marsh Wrens at the Bolton Flats WMA in Bolton.

Martha’s Vineyard observers were pleased with 2 Redheads at Upper Chilmark Pond in Chilmark, and 2 Northern Shovelers and a Eurasian Wigeon Crystal Lake in Oak Bluffs.

Nantucket birders were pleased with no fewer than 6 Great Egrets at several spots on the island, as well as a Willet, 2 Northern Shovelers at Massasoit Bridge, and a continuing Common Gallinule at Miacomet Park.