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Mass Audubon Reaches Summit As It Protects Patten Hill Property in Shelburne

Press Release
February 17, 2021

LINCOLN, MA.—Mass Audubon’s goal to secure 67 acres of field and forest at Patten Hill in Shelburne has been realized, as the state’s largest nature conservation organization and the land’s longtime owners signed final documents Tuesday, February 16.

Thanks to more than 300 generous supporters, Mass Audubon reached its fundraising goal of $442,000 in December to save the spectacular hilltop expanse.  We are also grateful to the Franklin Land Trust, which will hold the Conservation Restriction on the property.

“Successfully completing the purchase/protection of the Patten Hill property is a major conservation victory for us—one that would not have been possible without the help of hundreds of donors and our longtime partner, the Franklin Land Trust,” Mass Audubon Director of Land Conservation Bob Wilber said.

“In addition to the spectacular long-distance views that are now protected for future generations to marvel at,” Wilber noted, “protecting this land will help plants and animals be more resilient to the impacts of climate change by connecting large blocks of existing conservation lands.”

Now that the deal has closed, the land will never be developed. The addition of this property brings Mass Audubon's High Ledges Wildlife Sanctuary to 855 acres and expands the overall protected open space in the area, which also includes the undeveloped 574-acre Shelburne Falls Fire District land (a public water supply property) and the 221-acre Davenport Farm.

As Mass Audubon emphasizes addressing the impacts of a warming planet organization wide, saving Patten Hill has been identified as a prime example of climate-resilient land.

Among the characteristics of such landscapes is the opportunity for wildlife to move easily when rising temperatures lead to changing habitats. Patten Hill now becomes a crucial link in one such land corridor amid a conservation mosaic of more than a thousand contiguous acres.

The beautiful  landscape overlooking the Deerfield River Valley offers a 360-degree panorama: the state’s highest peak, Mount Greylock, to the west; Mount Monadnock in southwest New Hampshire to the east; Mount Tom in the Connecticut River Valley  to the south; and the Green Mountains of Vermont to the north. 

In addition to the long-distance views, Patten Hill contains important grassland bird habitat, fields and forest, and a stream corridor that includes a series of beaver ponds.  Mass Audubon is already planning how best to welcome visitors to this beautiful addition to High Ledges, including trails and signage.  

To support Mass Audubon land protection opportunities and to learn more, please visit

About Mass Audubon

Mass Audubon is the largest nature-based conservation organization in New England. Founded in 1896 by two women who fought for the protection of birds, Mass Audubon carries on their legacy by focusing on the greatest challenges facing the environment today: the loss of biodiversity, inequitable access to nature, and climate change. With the help of our 160,000 members and supporters, we protect wildlife, conserve and restore resilient land, advocate for impactful environmental policies, offer nationally recognized education programs for adults and children, and provide endless opportunities to experience the outdoors at our wildlife sanctuaries. Explore, find inspiration, and take action at

Media Contact:

Michael P. O'Connor