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Teaching Biodiversity, One Program at a Time

March 11, 2025

On a sunny fall afternoon, a group of adults was looking for fungi underneath a towering oak tree at Habitat Education Center in Belmont. The instructor pointed out some mushrooms under the tree and shared how the body of these mushrooms is a network of threads, called hyphae, that live in the tree’s roots and help the tree absorb water and nutrients from the soil. He went on to explain that we now know those same hyphae connect the tree’s roots to the roots of other trees around it in an underground fungal web.  

Another group of adults in the Field Naturalist Certificate Program were on Squantum Point in Quincy for a botany field day. Working in small groups, they chose 2-3 plants to draw, describe, and discuss. They repeated the process in two different places and compared what they had found. Even in a small urban park they discovered a surprising diversity of plants and plant communities.  

Both these groups were learning about the importance of biodiversity to the health and resilience of an ecosystem. Through direct experience, participants learn about the complexity of natural systems and why biodiversity matters. Our goal is to increase understanding of the value of biodiversity and influence the conservation decisions people make. 

One-off Walks and Talks 

Throughout the year, educators at our wildlife sanctuaries across the state host a variety of programs that immerse adults, families, and children in nature and wildlife.  

On any given day, you can head out at dawn to hear the chorus of birds at sunrise, try yoga while listening to the wind blow through the trees, paddle down a river while watching a heron search for its next meal, tap a maple tree to witness how sap turns into syrup, or head into the forest once the sky turns dark in search of elusive owls. 

An awareness of the importance of healthy biodiversity is inherent in every mushroom discovered, bird spotted, tree felt, and owl heard.  

Digging Deeper 

When a single program isn’t enough to tap the curiosity and motivation of our program participants, we offer many opportunities for them to dive even deeper into understanding the natural world and how to make a difference in their own communities. 

For adults, we offer three multi-session certificate programs—Birders, Field Naturalist, and Conservation in Action. Each of these in-depth explorations allows participants to gain a fuller understanding of the biodiversity of local ecosystems and their role in preserving them. For those not quite ready to commit to a longer-term program, multi-day Field Schools on Cape Cod and in the South East represent immersive workshops that focus on the unique habitats and wildlife of each region. 

Looking Forward 

Whether a program lasts one hour or one year, our mission remains the same. We take every opportunity to share the importance of what we see and hear, and how we all must do our part to ensure that future generations can enjoy the wonders of nature as we do today. 

We invite you to learn more about how biodiversity plays a nuanced and critical role in our local ecosystems by joining a program today.