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Back of bluebird perched on small branch surrounded by fall leaves
Eastern Bluebird

Fall Birding Hotspots

September 12, 2023

When the heat of summer fades, the crispness of fall signals birders to get outdoors and search for fall migratory birds. 

Don’t know where to start? Check out our favorite fall birding hotspots at Mass Audubon wildlife sanctuaries. 

Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary, Marshfield 

Daniel Webster's unique habitat attracts birders looking to observe and appreciate a wide variety of species. 

Gone are the breeding Bobolinks that draw birders to the sanctuary in summer—now raptors like Northern Harriers are taking advantage of the flourishing populations of Meadow Voles that scurry about in the grasslands. These rodents are the perfect prey for numerous raptors because they don’t hibernate or store food like most other rodents, leaving them exposed during their daytime activities.

Other predators like Great Horned Owls wait until dusk to prepare for their next hunt. For a chance to hear their deep hoo-hoo calls and possibly even see one, walk along the Secret Trail and look through the groves of Red Maples, Gray Birches, and Red Cedars. 

Great Horned Owl sitting in tree
Great Horned Owl © Scott Creamer

Big waterbird fan? Head to Fox Hill Trail for a glimpse of the Green Harbor River and the occasionally flooded fields, where wintering freshwater ducks often congregate, including Green-winged Teal, pintail, Gadwall, wigeon, shoveler, Mallard, and Wood ducks.  

Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, Lincoln 

Migrating birds are hungry birds, and what better place to refuel than in a crops field? Fall is a wonderful time to search between the rows of vegetables or scan the shrubby field edges for sparrows at Drumlin Farm. Don't forget to keep one eye on the sky for raptors like Red-tailed Hawks and Sharp-shinned or Cooper’s hawks.  

American Pipit bird standing in grass
American Pipit

While you're most likely to see common species such as crows, American Robins, Cedar Waxwings, Eastern Bluebirds, and American Goldfinches, there is also always a chance you might spot something special like American Pipits. These small, slim birds with white outer tail feathers, a brownish back, and white underparts with brown streaks on their breast can be found in almost any type of open ground habitat. If you spot one searching for food, you’ll notice that it often pumps its tail while trying to find insects and seeds. 

Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary, Princeton 

During the fall and winter, a variety of sparrows can be found at Wachusett Meadow. Before going on the trails, stop by the feeders near the Visitor Center to look for White-crowned, White-throated, Chipping, American Tree, Song, or Fox sparrows. With patience and persistence, both Lincoln’s and Swamp sparrows can often be found along the edges of the South Meadow Trail

Bird in branches among fall colors
Lincoln's Sparrow © Kevin Bourinot

The Lincoln’s Sparrow can most easily be differentiated from other sparrows by the fine streaking on the buffy breast. When its crown feathers are raised, a Lincoln’s Sparrow’s head appears to have a slight crest. Keep your eyes towards the ground to find them foraging, usually not far from a woody edge where they quickly fly for protection when startled. 

Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, Lenox 

Many fall migrants often sift through the young forest and wetlands along the edges of Pike's Pond at Pleasant Valley

One of the best places to stake out is actually the Pleasant Valley parking lot. You can frequently see birds flying across the dirt lot to reach the section of low shrub wetlands on either side.  

Yellow warbler sitting among leaves
Black-throated Green Warbler © Kim Nagy

A number of migrant warblers regularly pass through Pleasant Valley, including the Black-throated Green Warbler. These bright, yellow-faced warblers have a black throat that leads into their white underside and olive-green backside, but the ones visible in the fall are often immature and lack the black throat. Look for them mingling with flocks of other migrant and resident birds.  

Grab Your Binoculars & Hit the Trails

So, grab your binoculars and experience the best of fall birding—crisp weather, falling leaves, and your favorite migrants. Once you’ve checked out these special locations, find your own fall favorite at one of our other 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.

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