Woman holding binoculars Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Woman holding binoculars Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Family resting on Ipswich River's boardwalk in summer
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary. Topsfield

10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

April 04, 2024

Every April 22 since 1970, people around the globe come together to emphasize the importance of protecting our planet today for the future. While every day is a good day to be kind to our natural world, Earth Day encourages us to shout it from the roof top. To make the most of this year’s Earth Day and each day after that, try your hand at any and all of the below.

Go for a Walk

Shake off those winter blues and get out in nature. Hear the birds sing, watch the wildflowers grow, and feel the stress of the world melt away. As you spend time in nature, you will make connections and feel a strong need to protect it for future generations. Looking for somewhere to go? Find a new trail to explore

Volunteer Your Time

volunteers raking and pushing leaves in a wheel barrel in fall
Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, Sharon

What better way to celebrate Earth Month than by giving back to your local wildlife sanctuary? Volunteer opportunities range from removing invasive plant species and upkeeping trails to help with event and visitation duties. Whichever you select, you'll feel grateful knowing you gave your time to a worthy cause.  Volunteer near you

Reduce Your Plastics

This year’s Earth Day theme, Planet vs Plastic, aims to “end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of ALL plastics by 2040.” Look around your home or office—how much plastic are you using and what could you do without? Learn more about the immensity of the plastic problem and find ways to take action 

Become a Climate and Nature Champion

This grassroots advocacy program mobilizes individuals across Massachusetts to speak with one voice on the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Whether you have been an advocate before or are new to policy work, you can help Mass Audubon fight for land and wildlife protections; clean air and water; and climate and energy policy that will keep us on track to help the State reach its climate goals. Discover how you can get involved 

Support Nature as a Climate Solution

Tree trunks and branches seen throughout a forest. Dead and decaying leaves on the forest floor.
Graves Farm, Williamsburg

Nature-based climate solutions harness nature's power to lessen flooding and extreme heat, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and naturally store carbon. We are working to protect and restore coastal habitats such as salt marshes, breeding bird islands, beaches, and uplands. This work helps these habitats absorb carbon and provide support for birds and wildlife. 

We also practice climate-smart forestry, which helps forests adapt to changing climate conditions, removes carbon dioxide from the air, and stores carbon in the forest to mitigate climate change. Removing invasive plants and planting climate-adapted trees help make future forests more resilient to climate change. Help us do even more of this work with a donation today

Landscape for Wildlife

Gardens are more than just beautiful areas. They are living ecosystems that provide support for various creatures, ranging from tiny organisms to birds and mammals. Our wildlife sanctuaries have gardens to help wildlife, manage stormwater, and provide space for community gardening. Explore a demonstration garden

Build a More Equitable Environmental Workforce

Young people working in a salt marsh

We’re investing in building the environmental workforce of tomorrow, today. Our Early Career Programs like the 14-month Environmental Fellowship Program and the 8-week Massachusetts Climate Corps provide students and young adults from historically marginalized backgrounds with hands-on experience, professional development, and network-building opportunities. Learn more and help us launch even more careers 

Join a CSA

At Drumlin Farm and Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, we're "walking the walk" with sustainable agriculture systems. Our farms never use chemical herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers. We use sustainable farming methods like crop rotation, drip irrigation, and pest management to go above organic standards. This helps keep our water and air clean and improves public health. Learn more about our CSAs

Let Youth Inspire You

Our Youth Climate Leaders around the state impress us with their passion, dedication, and innovation. These high school students participate in a year-long program that focuses on empowering youth and leadership. They work on projects to fight climate change locally. Learn more about this program

Become a Mass Audubon Member

If you love nature and want to protect it, join our community of 160,000 members. Our members help us every day to address big environmental issues like biodiversity loss, equitable access to nature, and climate change. They inspire us to do more and make a difference in the world. And now new members can save 50% off an Individual or Family membership. Start your membership