Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
A White-breasted Nuthatch climbs down a tree trunk head-first.

© Erica Granor

Publications & Resources

Mass Audubon conducts research and produces reports on everything from land use to breeding birds.


A hawk perches on a rooftop solar panel, with tree branches in the background

Growing Solar, Protecting Nature

Mass Audubon teamed up with Harvard Forest to complete a comprehensive analysis of Massachusetts’ options for future solar development. 

Black-capped Chickadee
Black-capped Chickadee on sumac flowers

State of the Birds

Reports that analyze data as to how our bird populations had changed over time and what's projected for the future.

© Julie Archibald
marsh with water and cloudy blue sky

Losing Ground

A report analyzing changes to land use patterns in Massachusetts using the most up-to-date technology every five years.

Wood Thrush

Breeding Bird Atlases

Collection of data about all of the birds that breed in a particular state or region.


Great Blue Heron © Amy Erb
Side view of a Great Blye Heron copyright Amy Erb

Action Agenda

An ambitious five-year plan that signals a dynamic new era for the organization.

Spotted Salamander
Spotted Salamander resting on a fallen leaf on the trail


Mass Audubon's Quarterly member newsletter.

Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary, Natick
three young adults on a boardwalk pointing to something in wetland below

Annual Report

A look at the past year's accomplishments.

Nature Smarts Workbooks on a table

Nature Smart Workbooks

STEM-based workbooks for children packed with interactive learning activities with an emphasis on observational skills and the investigation method.

© Barry Van Dusen
Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary watercolor © Barry Van Dusen

Finding Sanctuary

An Artist Explores the Nature of Mass Audubon.

cover of sanctuary magazine from 2014

Sanctuary magazine

A journal about natural history and the environment. The 200th—and final—issue was published in 2014.


looking up at the tree canopy

Conservation Restriction Stewardship Manual

This helpful manual provides guidance for state-based land trusts and public agencies on managing conservation restrictions.

Values of Nature Fact Sheets

Mowed path through grasslands at Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary

Value of Nature

A look at the ecosystem services provided by five different ecosystems.