Mass Audubon's Largest Annual Fundraiser & Nature Celebration
For 40 years, Bird-a-thon has brought birders, nature-lovers, and families together to celebrate nature and raise funds that provide essential year-round support for Mass Audubon's conservation, nature education, and advocacy work.
No matter if you join for the fun of it or for the thrill of competition (or both!), every team member has the opportunity to enjoy birds while raising or donating essential funds for Mass Audubon.
Bird-a-thon 2024
Thank you for participating in Bird-a-thon! We are grateful you chose to spend your Saturday with us birding, celebrating nature, and raising funds that provide essential year-round support for Mass Audubon's conservation, education, and advocacy work.
Some amazing species were seen including some unusual ones such as Dovekie, White-faced Ibis, and Swallow-tailed Kite. You can read all the highlights, but which team will take home the coveted Brewster Cup, Forbush Award, County Cup, and Sitting Duck Award? Drumroll please....
Brewster Cup • for most species recorded statewide
Teams Metro South and Metro West with 240 species each
Forbush Award • second place for most species recorded statewide
Team Cape Cod West with 228 species
County Cup • for highest percentage of county par value
Team North Shore for Essex County, 204 species/110%
Sitting Duck • for most species recorded while remaining in a 25-foot circle
Team Metro South with 62 species

Bird-a-thon Shirts
Bird-a-thon shirts have landed! Support our annual fundraiser and bird in style with a kingfisher t-shirt, long-sleeved shirt, or sweatshirt.

Bird-a-thon Hat
New this year, a navy-blue embroidered adjustable baseball hat with the kingfisher icon.
Contact the Bird-a-thon coordinator or talk to your local Mass Audubon wildlife sanctuary.
Guidelines & Rules
Find everything from team sizes and prize eligibility to official birding lists and rules for both County Cup and Sitting Duck.
Incentives & Awards
Up for a little competition? Here's what you and your team will be birding and fundraising for.
Resources & Activities
Looking to up your Bird-a-thon game? Check out these resources that will elevate your birding and fundraising skills.
Stay Connected
Don't miss a beat on all the ways you can get outdoors, celebrate nature, and get involved.